Unified Endpoint Management: Manage Devices

Unified Endpoint Management: Manage Devices

Microsoft Intune is a cloud-based service that focuses on mobile device management (MDM) and mobile application management (MAM). Using Microsoft Intune, you can manage your organization’s devices -mobiles, laptops, tablets, Cloud PCs, and Azure Virtual Desktops.

This feature allows for the management of Intune-enrolled endpoints, including AVD hosts, Windows 365 Cloud PCs, and physical devices.

Manage Intune Devices

Nerdio Manager allows you to manage Intune devices.

To manage Intune devices:

  1. Navigate to EndpointsAll Devices.

  2. You can search and filter the list as follows:

    • Search by device name or user name.

    • Filter by compliance status.

    • Filter by device type.

    • Filter by free space.

    • Filter by user assigned.

  3. You can work with the device's details. See Manage Intune Device Details below for details.

  4. In the Compliance column, select the tooltip to see its details.

  5. From the action menu, you can perform various tasks as shown in the table below.

    Note: These actions mirror the available device actions in the Intune console. In addition, these actions can be restricted via the creation of custom RBAC roles within the Nerdio Manager console.

    Action Menu Tasks

    Action Menu Task


    Force Sync

    Force Sync allows you to force a device to check for updates to compliance policies.


    Restart allows you to restart a device.

    Quick Scan

    For Windows devices, Quick Scan allows you to perform a quick scan on a device. The device is scanned for system- and kernel-level malware using Windows Defender.

    Full Scan

    For Windows devices, Full Scan allows you to perform a full scan on a device using Windows Defender.

    Request Logs

    Request logs allows you to download the selected logs to a zip file.


    Rename allows you to rename the device.


    Retire allows you to remove all Intune-managed company data from a device. It does not remove any personal data.


    Wipe allows you to perform a full factory reset to return a device to its default settings.


    Delete allows you to delete a device from Intune. The next time the device checks in with Intune, any company data is removed from the device.

    Fresh Start

    Fresh Start removes all preloaded Win32 apps from the device. Optionally, you may retain the user data on the device.

    Autopilot Reset

    Autopilot Reset returns the device to a fully configured or known IT-approved state.

    Update Windows Defender

    Update Windows Defender updates the Windows Defender's malware definitions on the device.

    Bitlocker Key Rotation

    Bitlocker Key Rotation allows you to rotate the encryption keys on the device.

    Rotate Local Admin Password

    Rotate Local Admin Password allows you to rotate the local admin password on the device.

    Restart Cloud PC

    Restart the Cloud PC device.

    Reprovision Cloud PC

    Reprovision the Cloud PC device.

    Restore Cloud PC

    Restore the Cloud PC device.

    Power Off/On Cloud PC

    Power On/Off the Cloud PC device.

    End Grace Period Cloud PC

    End the Cloud PC's grace period.


    For iOS or macOS, shutdown the device.

    Remote lock

    For iOS or macOS, remotely lock the device.

    Disable activation lock

    For iOS or macOS, disable the activation lock.

    Revoke licenses

    For iOS or macOS, revoke the device's licenses.

    Tip: For many tasks, it may take an hour or longer for the action to actually run on the device after you have requested the action from Nerdio Manager. You can follow the status of the task in the Intune Tasks section.

Perform Bulk Actions on Selected Devices

Nerdio Manager allows you to perform bulk actions on selected devices.

To perform a bulk action on selected devices:

  1. Navigate to EndpointsAll Devices.

  2. In the list of devices, select the one(s) you want to work with by selecting them in the column.

  3. Once you have selected all the desired devices, in the upper right side, select the bulk action icon and then select the desired action.

Manage Intune Device Details

Nerdio Manager allows you to manage various properties of Intune devices.

To manage the properties of an Intune device:

  1. Navigate to EndpointsAll Devices.

  2. Locate the device you wish to work with and then select Details.

  3. In the Overview tab, any user with RBAC permissions to manage device groups can add or remove Group Memberships (Device). In addition, users with RBAC permissions to manage user groups can add or remove Group Memberships (Owner).

  4. On the left side, select any of the desired tabs to view the device's specific details.


    • You can select the tooltip, where available, to see more information about the specific detail.

    • Select the copy icon , where available, to copy information to the clipboard.

    • Select , where available, to launch the Microsoft Intune admin center portal.

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