PowerShell Module: Advanced Guide
This feature is only available in the Nerdio Manager Premium edition.
The PowerShell Module for Nerdio Manager is a wrapper for the Nerdio Manager REST API. Certain “advanced” cmdlets require a JSON object to be passed as a parameter. This document explains one possible way to generate such JSON objects.
Note: The PowerShell Module for Nerdio Manager is in public preview. Please submit your feedback here.
Install the PowerShell module. See PowerShell Module: Tutorial for details.
Create the Object
The following steps must be performed to create the object.
To create the object:
Identify which cmdlet is required to complete the task (for example, New-NmeAppAttachImage).
Run the Get-Help cmdlet:
Get-Help New-NmeAppAttachImage -full
Note: In this example, the cmdlet New-NmeAppAttachImage takes an object. The object itself is internal to Nerdio and can be generated via New-NmeAppAttachImageRestPostRequest.
Run the command below to see the properties and to see the syntax for creating the object.
Get-Help New-NmeAppAttachImageRestPostRequest -full
Select one of the following options to get the values:
In the Nerdio Manager portal (for example, https://nmw-app-i55ow6qnxy6hc6-new.azurewebsites.net/app-attach/images)
Run the corresponding Get* cmdlet. (for example, Get -NmeAppAttachImage)
Create the payload object using the cmdlet and providing the values from the previous steps.
$requestPayload = New-NmeAppAttachImageRestPostRequest
-locationId 19bccd18-cbec-4c61-f71c-71db34322vc50f
-imageName "test-image"
-description "test-image from PS"
Create a new image by passing the payload request.
New-NmeAppAttachImage -NmeAppAttachImageRestPostRequest $requestPayload
Run Get-NmeAppAttachImage to confirm the outcome.
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