Manage Tag Groups
Tag groups simplify the use of custom tags when creating resources. Tag groups can be selected in the tags editor or assigned to host pools.
To create a tag group:
Navigate to Settings > Nerdio environment.
In the Tag Groups tile, select Add.
Enter the following information:
Tag group name: Type the name of the tag group.
Note: Name of the group is displayed in the tag groups selector. It must be unique and can contain up to 50 characters.
Tag name: Type the tag name.
The tag can contain up to 512 characters.
It must be unique within this tag group.
It cannot contain the following characters: <>%&\?/
You may add as many tag names as desired.
Tag value: Type tag value.
Note: It can contain up to 256 characters.
Supported variables are:
%username%: UPN of user who started a task (for example:
%date%: UTC time of task run in ISO 8601 format (for example: 2023-04-18T13:12:30.689Z).
%pooltype%: The type of the related host pool. The supported values are Personal or Pooled.
Warning: Tags containing variables are only applied when creating new resources. In addition, if the computed value exceeds the 256-character limit, all remaining characters are deleted.
Assigned host pools: Optionally, from the drop-down list, select the host pools to assign this tag group to.
Note: Tags on host pools and their app groups are automatically updated.
Update custom tags on existing resources: Optionally, select this option to update tags on session hosts and other associated resources in the assigned host pools.
Once you have entered the desired information, select OK.
Select the tag group name to edit the tag group.
Select remove to delete the tag group.
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