Log Analytics Management

Log Analytics Management

This feature is only available in the Nerdio Manager Premium edition.

Nerdio Manager allows you to link and manage Azure Log Analytics workspaces.

Log Analytics workspace data that is retained beyond 31 days incurs additional storage costs. The goal would be to reduce the storage consumed by the data and use the least-cost pricing tier.

This feature allows you to:

  • View costs, pricing tier, and retention length.

  • View recommendations for the best pricing tier.

  • Allow adjusting of the retention length.

  • Specify the data types to be removed (for example, Windows events), which purges that data.

Link a Log Analytics Workspace

A Log Analytics workspace must be linked in order to manage it using Nerdio Manager.

To link a Log Analytics workspace:

  1. Navigate to StorageLog Analytics.

  2. Select Link.

  3. Enter following information:

    • Workspace: From the drop-down list, select the Log Analytics workspace you wish to link.

    • Type: From the drop-down list, select the log type.

  4. Once you have entered all the desired information, select OK.

    The Log Analytics workspace is linked.

Log Analytics Workspaces Table

The Log Analytics workspaces table has the following features:

  • Select the workspace name to manage it in the Azure portal.

  • Select any information icon to view more information about the specific item.

  • The Cost column analyzes ingested data and presents a recommendation for Azure tier pricing.

Apply a Log Analytics Workspace to Host Pools

A Log Analytics workspace can be applied to host pools.

To apply a Log Analytics workspace to host pools:

  1. Navigate to StorageLog Analytics.

  2. Locate the Log Analytics workspace you wish to work with.

  3. From the action menu, select Host pools.

  4. Enter the following information:

    • Apply to Host Pools: From the drop-down list, select the host pool(s).

      Note: By default, these changes only apply to newly created or re-imaged hosts.

    • Apply to existing hosts: Select this option to apply these changes to existing hosts.

      Note: This operation begins immediately and may take a long time to complete. You can navigate to Logs to monitor its progress. This process should be non-disruptive to user who are currently signed in.

      • Process Hosts in Groups Of: Enter the number of operations that start at the same time.

        Note: All the operations in the group that is currently running must complete before the next group can start.

        Warning: You must select this value with care. For example, if you have 150 hosts in the pool, you do not want to want to process them one at a time. That would take too long. On the other hand, you do not want to run all 150 operations at the same time. That could overload your environment. So, you may want to run 25 operations per group.

      • Number of Failures Before Aborting: Enter the number of tasks that fail before the process stops.

  5. Once you have entered all the desired information, select OK.

Manage a Log Analytics Workspace's Counters

Azure Monitor collects all specified performance counters at their specified sample rate on all agents that have that counter installed. The higher the sample rate, the more data that is consumed.

You can manage a Log Analytics workspace's counters.

To manage a Log Analytics workspace's counters:

  1. Navigate to StorageLog Analytics.

  2. Locate the Log Analytics workspace you wish to work with.

  3. From the action menu, select Manage counters.

  4. Enter the following information:

    • Windows performance counters: For each counter, change the Sample rate as desired.

    • Windows event logs: For each event, select the logs to collect.

  5. Once you have entered all the desired changes, select Apply.

Set a Log Analytics Workspace's Data Retention Days

You can set a Log Analytics workspace's data retention days. Obviously, the longer the data is retained, the greater the storage costs.

To set a Log Analytics workspace's data retention days:

  1. Navigate to StorageLog Analytics.

  2. Locate the Log Analytics workspace you wish to work with.

  3. Select Edit retention.

  4. Enter the Retention Days.

    Note: The number of days must be between 30 and 730.

  5. Once you have entered all the desired information, select OK.

Set a Log Analytics Workspace as Default

You can set a Log Analytics workspace's as the default for AVD host pools.

To set a Log Analytics workspace's as the default:

  1. Navigate to StorageLog Analytics.

  2. Locate the Log Analytics workspace you wish to work with.

  3. From the action menu, select Set as default.

  4. Review the confirmation pop-up and select OK.

Unlink a Log Analytics Workspace

You can unlink a Log Analytics workspace from Nerdio Manager.

To unlink a Log Analytics workspace:

  1. Navigate to StorageLog Analytics.

  2. Locate the Log Analytics workspace you wish to unlink.

  3. From the action menu, select Unlink.

  4. On the confirmation pop-up, select OK.

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