User Cost Attribution Cost Types
Nerdio Manager allows you to capture and report on per-individual-user costs based on the allocation of the total cost of your AVD deployment (compute, storage, network, PaaS, SaaS, etc.) to individuals based on the duration of their usage of AVD desktops during the selected time frame.
The Nerdio User Cost Attribution report provides the following main cost types
Personal VM Cost
All cost of a personal VM regardless of sessions
VM assigned to one specific user
Allocated Session Cost
Session cost which can be allocated to users
Per user session cost is based on:
Minutes consumed per user
Cost of actual AVD VM (SKU)
Unallocated Session Cost
Cost which cannot be allocated to users
Unallocated session cost is based on:
AVD VM minutes with no sessions
Calculated on each VM individually
Shared Cost
SaaS Subscriptions, such as Nerdio
VMs (such us infrastructure VMs/ VMs with no sessions)
To achieve allocation of all costs to users, you can choose how unallocated and shared costs can be attributed to the users or be left unallocated by choosing from the following report types:
Uniform: This allocates an equal amount of shared costs to each active user.
Proportional: This allocates shared costs based on the relative duration of each user's AVD usage.
Unallocated: This does not allocate shared/unallocated costs to individual users and shows users' costs that result directly from AVD sessions and lists unallocated and shared cost including the resource information and cost form Azure Cost Management where applicable.
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