Define the Lab Pool Settings in Nerdio Manager for Enterprise (est. 30-45 minutes)

Define the Lab Pool Settings in Nerdio Manager for Enterprise (est. 30-45 minutes)

Once Nerdio Manager for Enterprise is registered and set up, you can now create a Lab host pool and define the required settings in Nerdio Manager.

For this, complete the following steps:

Step 1: Link the Resource Group and Define Admin Credentials

Link the resource group to include the session host virtual machines (VMs) and the Lab desktop image. You can then configure the default local administrator account to be created on all provisioned VMs.

To link the resource group and define the local admin credentials:

  1. In Nerdio Manager, navigate to Settings > Azure environment > Linked resource groups, and ensure the resource group for an Azure Compute Gallery is linked.


    • Linking the resource group grants the Nerdio Manager application the Contributor access on the resource group. Nerdio Manager only displays Azure Compute Gallery images contained within the linked resource groups.

    • If the Azure Compute Gallery is located in a separate subscription within the tenant, be sure to additionally link the subscription. Linking a new subscription grants the Nerdio Manager application Reader & Backup Reader role on the subscription.

      To link the subscription:

      1. Navigate to Settings > Azure environment > Azure subscriptions.

      2. Select Link using currently logged in user (recommended).

      3. From the drop-down list, select the subscription, and then select OK.

      To learn more, see Add Nerdio Manager to Multiple Subscriptions in a Single Azure Tenant.

  2. Go to Settings > Nerdio environment > Local administrator credentials.

  3. Select the DefaultAdmin link, and then specify the admin credentials.

  4. Select OK.

    Nerdio Manager assigns these credentials to the built-in administrator user account that is created for all the provisioned session host VMs.


    • The Username field is restricted and disallows the admin or administrator values.

    • The password must be at least 12 characters long.

Step 2: Define Additional Directory Profiles or OU Paths

You can define additional directory profiles or organization unit (OU) paths, if needed. Configure multiple profiles, depending on the Course or Lab requirements.

To define a directory profile and the OU path:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Directory.

  2. Select Add, and then fill in the details for a new directory profile.

  3. Select OK.

    Tip: Create as many additional profiles as needed.

  4. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > RDP Settings Profiles.

  5. Select Add to create a new profile with the required RDP session options.

  6. In Edit mode, select All settings to review the settings.

    Note: Leave most options as Not configured. This allows Student access to the clipboard, printers, local device redirection, and other non-essential options.

  7. Select OK.

Step 3: Create an Auto-Scale Profile

Auto-scale profiles simplify the creation of new host pools. They allow creating a profile with auto-scale settings that can be reused.


  • We recommend creating at least two auto-scale profiles, if possible.

  • The instructions in this Guide are intended for a single-session host pool, consistent with Azure Lab Services offering. However, for greater cost savings, you can optionally create a multi-session host pool instead.

  • The steps below guide you through creating a single-session profile.

To create a new auto-scale profile:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Auto-scale profiles, and then select Add auto-scale profile.

  2. Provide the following details:

    • Profile settings:

      • Auto-scale mode: Depending on the host pool type, do one of the following:

        • Single-session host pool: Select Schedule-based (Personal).

        • Multi-session host pool: Select Shared.

      • Name: Provide the name for a new auto-scale profile.

      • Description: Optionally, provide the description.

    • Section 1: Host Pool Properties: Select Start VM on connect to allow users to sign in outside of scheduled course hours.

      Note: Leaving this option unselected allows users to sign in only during the scheduled sessions (or, as permitted, using the Self-Service End-User Portal).

    • Section 2: Working hours: Configure the days and hours during the week when the Lab pool must be online for scheduled sessions.

      Provide the following recommended details:

      • Power off aggressiveness: Select Medium. This option signs users out once they have disconnected.

      • Power on timing: Select Once. This option does not allow the VM to start again if the VM has shut down mid-class.

      • Power off timing: Select Continuously. This option allows Nerdio Manager to stop the VM if it’s powered on outside of class hours.

      • Select the Include hosts without assigned user option.

    • Section 3: Host OS disks:

      • Select Set all hosts to running OS disk type during work hours.

        • Clear the Leave desktops that are not assigned to a user with STOPPED OS disk type option, if selected automatically.

      • Select Use intelligent disk pre-staging for users.

    • Section 4: Auto-grow, Section 5: Auto-shrink, and Section 7: Auto-heal broken hosts may remain disabled for now. They should be revisited as testing and sampling continues.

Step 4: Define Resource Rules

Create recommendation and filtering rules to assist with the selection of VM sizes and OS disks when creating the Lab host pool and adding session host VMs.

To define custom resource rules:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Resource rules.

  2. Expand the action menu for each of the default built-in rules, and then select Disable.

  3. Select Add to create a new rule for each of the below configurations.

    Note: Any option that is not listed should remain as default.



    1. Small

    Define the following options for the Small rule:

    • Show costs: Yes.

    • Selected by default: Yes.

    • VM size drop-down selection rules: On.

      • VM family version: v2.

      • VM family type: Standard FSv2 Family vCPUs.

      • CPU cores: 2.

      • Sort by: Cost.

    • OS disk drop-down selection rules: On.

      • Storage Type: Standard SSD.

      • OS Disk Size: 128 GB.

    2. Medium

    Define the following options for the Medium rule:

    • Show costs: Yes.

    • VM size drop-down selection rules: On.

      • VM family version: v2.

      • VM family type: Standard FSv2 Family vCPUs.

      • CPU cores: 4.

      • Sort by: Cost.

    3. Large

    Define the following options for the Large rule:

    • Show costs: Yes.

    • VM size drop-down selection rules: On.

      • VM family version: v2.

      • VM family type: Standard FSv2 Family vCPUs.

      • CPU cores: 8.

      • Sort by: Cost.

    4. Medium (Nested virtualization)

    Warning: Nested virtualization sizing should only be used in single-session host pools, and is not viable for multi-session desktops.

    Define the following options for the Medium (Nested virtualization) rule:

    • Show costs: Yes.

    • VM size drop-down selection rules: On.

      • VM family version: v4.

      • VM family type: Standard DSv4 Family vCPUs.

      • CPU cores: 4.

      • Sort by: Cost.

    5. Large (Nested virtualization)

    Warning: Nested virtualization sizing should only be used in single-session host pools, and is not viable for multi-session desktops.

    Define the following options for the Large (Nested virtualization) rule:

    • Show costs: Yes.

    • VM size drop-down selection rules: On.

      • VM family version: v4.

      • VM family type: Standard DSv4 Family vCPUs.

      • CPU cores: 8.

      • Sort by: Cost.

    6. Small GPU (Visualization)

    Define the following options for the Small GPU (Visualization) rule:

    • Show costs: Yes.

    • VM size drop-down selection rules: On.

      • VM family version: v4.

      • VM family type: Standard NVSv4 Family vCPUs.

      • CPU cores: 8.

      • Sort by: Cost.

    7. Small GPU (Compute)

    Define the following options for the Small GPU (Compute) rule:

    • Show costs: Yes.

    • VM size drop-down selection rules: On.

      • VM family version: v3.

      • VM family type: Standard NCASSv3_T4 Family vCPUs.

      • CPU cores: 8.

      • Sort by: Cost.

    8. Alternative Small GPU (Visualization)

    Define the following options for the Alternative Small GPU (Visualization) rule:

    • Show costs: Yes.

    • VM size drop-down selection rules: On.

      • VM family version: v5.

      • VM family type: Standard NVADSA10v5 Family vCPUs.

      • CPU cores: 6.

      • Sort by: Cost.

    9. Alternative Medium GPU (Visualization)

    Define the following options for the Alternative Medium GPU (Visualization) rule:

    • Show costs: Yes.

    • VM size drop-down selection rules: On.

      • VM family version: v5.

      • VM family type: Standard NVADSA10v5 Family vCPUs.

      • CPU cores: 12.

      • Sort by: Cost.

    Note: In the future, you may also consider defining a custom resource rule for filtering images to enable self-service portal re-imaging.

Step 5: Create Custom Roles

Create the custom Professor and Teaching Assistant roles to control the scope and level of user access.

To create custom roles:

  1. Navigate to RBAC Roles > Definitions, and then select Add to create a new custom role.

  2. Create the following roles and provide their corresponding details:

    Note: Any option that is not listed should remain as default or undefined.

    1. Professor:

      • Name: Enter Professor.

      • Description: Enter Host pool management.

      • Workspaces: Select Full Access.

    2. Teaching Assistant:

      • Name: Enter Teaching Assistant.

      • Description: Enter User session management.

      • Workspaces: Select User sessions only and Manage power state.

  3. Select OK.

Step 6: Add a Custom Desktop Image

Virtual machines in your Lab host pool are created based on a desktop image.

To add a custom desktop image:

  1. Navigate to Desktop Images and select Add from Azure library.

  2. Define the following options:

    Note: Any option that is not listed should remain as default.

    • Name: Enter the name for the Lab desktop image.

    • Description: Enter the description.

    • Azure image: Select Windows 11 (23H2) Enterprise – Gen2 (single-session) or Windows 10 (22H2) Enterprise – Gen2 (single-session) (recommended).

    • VM size: Select the matching Lab VM size.

    • OS disk: Select the OS disk to match the Lab VM size.

    • Security type: Select Standard.

    • Join to AD: Ensure this option is selected.

      Warning: For Entra-joined directory types, clear the Join to AD option.

    • Set time zone: Select the Lab local time zone.

    • Provide custom credentials for a local administrator user: Set to On, and then define the default administrator credentials.

    • Geographic distribution & Azure compute gallery: Set to On, and then select an existing ACG or enter the name to create a new one.

      • Azure regions: Select the Lab regions.

      • Replica Count (Per Region): Define the required replica count, if needed.

  3. Select OK to start the VM creation.

Step 7: Add a Workspace

A workspace is a container for the Lab host pool and session hosts that provide desktops to users.

To add a new workspace:

  1. Navigate to Workspaces and select Add Workspace.

  2. Provide the following details:

    • Name: Enter the workspace name.

      Note: The workspace name is fixed and cannot be changed. However, each workspace has a configurable Friendly Name that is displayed to users.

    • Friendly Name: Enter the workspace friendly name.

    • Description: Provide the workspace description.

    • Resource group (optional, may not be displayed): Select the resource group for the newly created workspace.

    • Location: Define the Azure location for the workspace objects and their associated metadata.

    • Note: Not all Azure regions support Azure Virtual Desktop metadata. For details, see Data locations for Azure Virtual Desktop.

  3. Select OK.

Step 8: Create a Lab Host Pool

You can now create a Lab host pool and define the required settings.

To create a new host pool:

  1. On the Workspaces blade, select the name of the newly created workspace to display its Azure Virtual Desktop host pools.

  2. On the Dynamic host pools blade, select Add dynamic host pool, and then provide the following details:

    • Name: Enter the name for a new host pool.

      Note: The host pool name is fixed and cannot be changed. However, each host pool has a configurable Friendly Name that is displayed to users.

    • Description: Provide the optional description.

    • Desktop experience: Select Single user desktop (personal).

    • Assignment type: Select Automatic.

    • Directory: Select the required Lab directory.

      Note: The Directory option may not be displayed if only one directory profile is configured.

    • FSLogix: From the drop-down list, select Off.

    • Initial host count: Define 2.

      Note: Two is the suggested host count, but you can add more.

    • Name: Specify the naming pattern for the new session host VMs. Select Prefix or Pattern as needed.

    • Desktop image: Select the desktop image you created earlier, or the Marketplace image.

    • VM size: Select the required Lab VM size.

    • OS disk: Select 128GB SSD (should be the default option).

    • Select OK to create a host pool and begin provisioning session host VMs.

    After creating a new host pool, Nerdio Manager should automatically direct to the Auto-scale configuration page.

Step 9: Configure Auto-Scaling for the Lab Host Pool

The auto-scale feature ensures that only those session host VMs that are needed to meet the current demand are running.

To configure the host pool auto-scaling:

  1. On the Auto-scale configuration page, in the upper or lower-right of the page, set the Auto-scale option to On.

  2. In the Manage auto-scale section, provide the following details:

    • Auto-scale timezone: Define the timezone for the auto-scale tasks.

    • Name: Specify the naming pattern for new hosts to be added. Select Prefix or Pattern as needed.

    • Desktop image (template): Select the desktop image you created earlier, or the Marketplace image.

    • VM size (Template): Select the VM size to be used for newly created session hosts.

    • Running OS disk (template): Define as needed.

    • Stopped OS disk type: Select Standard HDD.

    • Resource group: Select the resource group to contain the VMs.

    • VM naming: Ensure the Re-use names option is selected.

  3. In the Default Schedule section, provide the following details:

    • Auto-scale mode: Select Schedule-based.

    • Auto-scale profile: Select one of the auto-scale profiles created earlier.

  4. On the Alternative schedule tab, ensure the Schedule option is not enabled. No alternative schedule is needed for now.

  5. Select Save & Close.

  6. Navigate to Workspaces > [Your workspace name] > Dynamic host pools.

  7. Next to the host pool you created, expand the action menu and select Properties.

  8. Provide the following details:

    • RDP settings: Expand the RDP settings profile drop-down menu and select the profile you created earlier.

    • Session time limits: Enable this option, and then set the Lab disconnection options to match the required settings:

      • Log off disconnected sessions after: Set to 1 minute.

      • Disconnect idle sessions after: Set to 15 minutes.

      • Select Apply to existing hosts.

      • Select Save.

    • Go to User Self-Service Portal, and then select or clear the required features for end users (if applicable).

      • Enable the following options: Allow end users to START desktop, Allow end users to RESTART desktop, Allow end users to STOP desktop, Allow end users to RE-IMAGE desktop (select the custom desktop image you created earlier, or the Marketplace image, as required).

      • Select Save & Close to apply changes.

Step 10: Assign Users and Roles to the Lab Host Pool

Once the Lab host pool is created and configured, you can now assign users and roles to that host pool.

To assign users and roles:

  1. Navigate to Workspaces > [Your workspace name] > Dynamic host pools.

  2. Next to the host pool you created, expand the action menu and select Manage > Users and groups.

    Note: Students must be assigned to the Lab host pool individually or by security group. Nerdio Manager displays all users and groups available in the Entra ID tenant.

    • Using the Search field, select all the required users or groups, and then select Assign.

      Warning: If Students are not assigned to the Lab host pool, they will not be able to connect to that host pool.

    • Alternatively, next to the Lab host pool, select Manage Hosts to individually assign the VMs to users:

      1. Locate the VM you need to assign to users.

      2. From the action menu, select the Manage assigned user option, and then search for and assign individual users to desktops.

      Tip: You can also use this method to reassign a VM from one user to another.

  3. Grant the Professor and Teaching Assistant user accounts access:

    1. Navigate to RBAC Roles > Assignments, and then select Add.

    2. Fill in the required details and select OK.

  4. Note:

    • Only Azure Virtual Desktop Admins may view or assign RBAC Roles.

    • All Nerdio Manager users (Azure Virtual Desktop Admins, Professors, Teaching Assistants, or End Users / Students) should sign in to Nerdio Manager at the same app service URL.

    Important: Each Nerdio Manager user may only be assigned a single RBAC role to access the Nerdio Manager app. Ensure that any assigned groups do not accidentally grant the same user access to Nerdio Manager through different assigned roles.

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