Unified Endpoint Management: Policies and Profiles Backup Management

Unified Endpoint Management: Policies and Profiles Backup Management

Nerdio Manager allows you to backup and restore policies and profiles configurations. You are able to backup policies and profiles to a known-good configuration. You can then restore policies and profiles without the need to document all the settings. You may test policy and profile changes quickly, with the confidence that you can revert to a previous version. You may also recover from policy and profile change mistakes or corruption.

Configure Automatic Policy and Profile Backups

Nerdio Manager allows you configure automatic policy and profile backups. This ensures a backup of a policy or profile is taken whenever it is edited, either in the Nerdio console or from the native Intune console.

To configure automatic policy or profile backups:

  1. Navigate to SettingsAzure environment.

  2. In the Intune (Unified Endpoint Management) tile, select Automatic policy backup.

  3. Enter the following information:

    • Automatic scheduled backup: Turn On this option to enable automatic backup of all policies that were modified within the last 3 hours.

    • Automatic on-change backup: Turn On this option to enable automatic backup of an edited policy before the changes are applied.

    • Retention Policy:

      • Max backups count: Type the total number of backups you want to retain.

        Note: The maximum number of backups is 50. Once this limit is reached, older backups are automatically deleted to make room for new ones.

      • Max retention period (in weeks): Type the number of weeks you want to retain backups.

        Note: The maximum number of weeks is 156. Backups older than this period are automatically deleted.

  4. Once you have entered all the desired information, select Save.

Manage all Backups for a Specific Policy or Profile

Nerdio Manager allows you to manage all the backups for a specific policy or profile.

To manage all backups for a policy and profile:

  1. Navigate to EndpointsPolicy Management.

  2. Select the desired tab.

  3. Select Manage Backups.

  4. Select the desired tab-- Associated or Orphaned.

    Note: Orphaned backups are no longer associated with a policy. This can happen because the policy was removed outside of the app or is not compliant with existing Intune settings.

  5. Optionally, from the drop-down list at the top, you can filter the list for a specific policy or profile.

  6. To restore a policy or profile from a specific backup, select Restore.

  7. To delete backups:

    1. Select the backup(s) to delete.

    2. Select Delete selected backups.

    3. When prompted, confirm the deletion.

Create a Backup for a Specific Policy or Profile

Nerdio Manager allows you to manually create a backup for a specific policy or profile.

To create a backup of policies and profiles:

  1. Navigate to EndpointsPolicy Management.

  2. Select the desired tab.

  3. Locate the policy or profile you wish to work with.

  4. From the action menu, select Backup.

  5. Enter the following information:

    • Change Log: Type the change log message.

    • Tags: Optionally, select or type any desired tags.

    • Stop on first failure: Select this option to cancel the remaining operations on the first failure.

  6. Once you have entered all the desired information, select Create.

Restore and Edit a Specific Policy or Profile from a Backup

Nerdio Manager allows you to restore and edit a specific policy or profile from a backup.

To restore a backup of policies and profiles:

  1. Navigate to EndpointsPolicy Management.

  2. Select the desired tab.

  3. Locate the policy or profile you wish to work with.

  4. From the action menu, select Edit or Restore.

  5. Optionally, from the Backups drop-down list, select the backup to restore.

  6. Make all the desired changes.

  7. Once you have made all the desired changes, select Yes, I'm sure and then select Confirm.

Delete backups for a Specific Policy or Profile

Nerdio Manager allows you to delete backups for a specific policy or profile.

To delete backups of policies or profiles:

  1. Navigate to EndpointsPolicy Management.

  2. Select the desired tab.

  3. Locate the policy or profile you wish to work with.

  4. From the action menu, select Manage Backups.

  5. Select the desired tab-- Associated or Orphaned.

  6. Select the backup(s) to delete.

  7. Select Delete selected backups.

  8. When prompted, confirm the deletion.

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