Hello Nerdio community!
As a product team, we are very excited to have this new forum for sharing ideas and raising feature requests. One of the benefits of using this format for feature requests is that other users can see and up-vote the suggestions, helping us to discover which features would have the biggest benefit for customers.
To create a new feature request, simply add a new post from the Forum topic list:
When raising requests, please include the below details to help us understand the requirement:
Title - Please use the post title field to suggest a feature name!
Problem - What are you trying to solve?
Description - A short summary of the feature.
Vision - How your proposed solution functions. Please also include reference to the current console if needed.
If you like a feature request raised by others, please up-vote it!
Once again, let me take this opportunity to say thank you for all the fantastic feature requests that have been raised via the web form, many of which are already available in Nerdio Manager.
Comments (8 comments)