Raising Feature Requests - Start here! (Completed)

Hello Nerdio community!

As a product team, we are very excited to have this new forum for sharing ideas and raising feature requests. One of the benefits of using this format for feature requests is that other users can see and up-vote the suggestions, helping us to discover which features would have the biggest benefit for customers.

To create a new feature request, simply add a new post from the Forum topic list:


When raising requests, please include the below details to help us understand the requirement:

Title - Please use the post title field to suggest a feature name!

Problem - What are you trying to solve?

Description - A short summary of the feature.

Vision - How your proposed solution functions. Please also include reference to the current console if needed.

If you like a feature request raised by others, please up-vote it!

Once again, let me take this opportunity to say thank you for all the fantastic feature requests that have been raised via the web form, many of which are already available in Nerdio Manager. 



Comments (8 comments)

Bas van Kaam

Awesome guys! Would it be an idea to create a mini form here, like we had before but integrated? This way we make sure we don't miss any details, and this part of the forum is specific to feature requests alone, so it won't mess anything up :)

Toby Skerritt

Good suggestion Bas van Kaam - I'll raise with the team.

Amol Dalvi

Toby Skerritt and Bas van Kaam - any concerns if we redirect the old form to this forum?

Bas van Kaam

Hey Amol Dalvi Not from me. Most straight forward way to get people to use the forum I would say. 

Toby Skerritt
(Edited )

Amol Dalvi - Sounds great! Thank you.

DJ Singh (Discount Tire)

Are we using the old form or creating a post here for feature requests? Let us know.

Bas van Kaam

Hi DJ, yes, please do so. Go one level up to Feature Requests and start a new post with your idea. Thank you very much!

Toby Skerritt

hi DJ Singh (Discount Tire) - to add a bit more information, we plan to slowly phase out the old request form, but as many organizations take time to upgrade to the latest release, we will run these in parallel for the time being. However our preference is to use the new forum for requests, so that we can discuss them with other customers. Thanks!


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