Here are a couple examples of how to accomplish tasks with the Nerdio PowerShell module.
Running a scripted action on a VM:
$model = New-NmeRunCustomScriptOnVmRestModel -scriptedActionsIds 609 -activeDirectoryId 1 -restartVm $false
Start-NmeDesktopImageScript -subscriptionId $NmeQaManSub -resourceGroup $NmeQaManRG -name 'eqm-eus-test' -NmeRunCustomScriptOnVmRestModel $model
Running Set as Image with a scripted action:
$Config = New-NmeDesktopImageSetAsImageConfig -ChangeLog 'changed a thing' -PowerOnVm $true -ScriptedActionIds 142 -RestartOnFailure $true -CleanupOnFailure $true
Start-NmeDesktopImageSetAsImage -SubscriptionId $NmeQaManSub -ResourceGroup $NmeQaManRG -Name $DesktopImage -SetAsImageConfig $config
What other ways are you using the PS module? What examples would you like to see?
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