Expand RBAC Roles for Advisor/Modeler

The current RBAC Model is limited to certain functions within the console i..e Workspaces, Images, Storage etc.

There are some newer features which are not listed that customers need access to. The one in particular a customer has requested is for the ability to select a custom RBAC role for the Advisor ---> Modeler functionality within Nerdio.


Comments (3 comments)

Craig Baxter

I agree Neil, this would be great to have! It would be good to provide some teams in IT (or even the business) access to the Advisor to be able to use the modeler to build cost estimations for potential deployments. The pdf from the modeler could also be submitted with the request to the AVD admins to setup AVDs. It would also help to be able to give access to recommendations to team leaders so they can potentially action resizes or even just monitor consumption of their teams resources. This would definitely help reduce the workload on AVD admins! 

Paul Cullen

I can't tell you how valuable this would be for us as we broaden our numbers of AVD implementations globally.

Nerdio Support

Thanks for this suggestion, we will capture this request.


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