Exclude from autoscale for a machine in drain mode

We have noticed that when we put a machine in drain mode (deactivate), autoscale is taking precedence and making machine active after some time due to which we are unable to perform maintenance just by using "deactivate" button. As a work around we are following 2 step process to get around this. 
1. deactivate machine. 
2. Exclude machine from scale in and out operations. 

so ask is , it would be good have check box for "Exclude machine from scale in and out operation" at the same place when deactivating machine.  


Comments (2 comments)

Elizabeth Webb

Yes please!  The whole point of Deactivation / Drain mode is to keep the host out of circulation until you say it's ready to go again.  We often have to wait several hours for all our user sessions to complete before we can start maintenance, so it's imperative the hosts remain in Drain mode.   Having to take an extra step to do this is completely counterintuitive.  At the very least have the check mark to exclude the host available in the dialogue box like you do for the manual Power On / Power Off dialogue boxes. 

Thank you!

Toby Skerritt

Hi both, thank you for this suggestion. We have captured it for review by the development team. 


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