please update &\or add azure marketplace images that relate to their current image sku

please update &\or add azure marketplace images that relate to their current image sku

For example, if selecting within Nerdio "Windows 10 (22H2) EVD + Office ProPlus" via logs we can see its actually using azure market place image: Win10-22h2-avd-m365-g2

In this example would like the nerdio image menu option to say: "Windows 10 (22H2) AVD + M365 + G2"


Believe the same will also be required for azure image "Windows 11 (23H2) AVD + Office ProPlus - Gen2" as the image sku is "win11-23h2-avd-m365" so its possible its a typo and simple fix is to amend "Office ProPlus" to "M365"


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