Update VM Resource Rules with more granular filters

Filters to update:

VM Family Type - Let us add actual SKUs instead of just families of SKUs (may not be needed as often if the other changes mentioned are implemented)

Exclude VM Type - Let us add actual SKUs instead of just families of SKUs (may not be needed as often if the other changes mentioned are implemented)

CPU Cores - Add values that match up with memory optimized SKUs (examples: 20, 48, 96, etc.)

RAM - Add values that match up with memory optimized SKUs (examples: 160, 384, etc)


Filter to add:

Add the ability to filter out "constrained" SKUs (Similar to the Local Storage filter maybe?).

We are allowing memory optimized families but the constrained versions show as well and we do not allow those. Azure Policy will block the deployment but our preference is to not allow the option in the UI at all


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