User Cost Attribution Analytics
This feature is only available in the Nerdio Manager Premium edition.
Nerdio Manager allows you to capture and report on per-individual-user costs based on the allocation of the total cost of your AVD deployment (compute, storage, network, PaaS, SaaS, etc.) to individuals based on the duration of their usage of AVD desktops during the selected time frame. This analytics reporting facility allows you to view and download cost information.
Before you can work with the analytics, you must:
Enable user cost attribution. See Enable User Cost Attribution for details.
Configure the reports. See User Cost Attribution Report Configuration for details.
This feature may only be enabled for subscriptions that support Azure Cost Management.
To work with user cost attribution analytics:
Navigate to Dashboard > User cost attribution.
From the drop-down lists, select the desired:
Month: Select the month to analyze.
Report: From the drop-down list, select the report for the analysis.
Shared cost allocation method: This is the method used for allocating shared Azure costs to individual users.
Uniform: This allocates an equal amount of shared costs to each active user.
Proportional: This allocates shared costs based on the relative duration of each user's AVD usage.
Unallocated: This does not allocate shared/unallocated costs to individual users and shows users' costs that result directly from AVD sessions and lists unallocated and shared cost including the resource information and cost form Azure Cost Management where applicable.
The following cost analytics are displayed:
Note: • If you have a viewing a combination of Month and Report for the first time, the report can take some time to build. Depending on the size of your environment, and the SKU of the App Service you are using, this can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour.
Azure subscriptions: This is the list of subscriptions that contain the Azure resources that are part of the AVD deployment and contribute towards the cost analysis.
Note: Select the number next to Subscriptions to view the subscription details.
AVD Connections: This is the Log Analytics workspace that contains the AVD connections data.
Note: Be sure that all the host pools are configured to send diagnostics data to this Log Analytics workspace.
Reporting Azure Tags: These are the Azure tags used to indicate the cost of a specific Azure resource that should be included in the cost analysis.
Note: Be sure that these tags exists on all resources that are part of the AVD deployment.
Default Nerdio tags: Select this to view the default Nerdio Manager tags.
Custom tags: This is the number of custom tags that should be included in the cost analysis.
Total AVD Cost: This is the total cost of the AVD deployment as reported by Azure across the selected subscriptions, where the resources are tagged with the Reporting Azure Tag.
Monthly Active User Cost: The monthly active user cost is calculated by dividing the Total AVD Cost by the total number of Monthly Active User (MAUs).
Infrastructure costs:
VMs & Disks: This is the cost and % of the total of all VMs(for example, session host VMs, image VMs, temp VMs, etc.) and the attached disks that supported at least 1 AVD session.
Note: The % unused value indicates the percentage of costs from VMs and disks that did not support at least 1 AVD session. A high % value indicates that there are VMs that are unused.
Storage & FSLogix: This is the cost and % of the total of the Azure storage. the storage costs include Azure Files shares used for FSLogix and MSIX apps, Azure NetApp Files accounts, and other types of storage accounts used for scripts, boot diagnostics, etc.
Images: This is the cost and % of total of managed Azure images and Azure Compute Gallery image versions.
Network: This is the cost and % of the total transfer/bandwidth charges.
Note: Be sure that the VNets that contain AVD session hosts are tagged with the Reporting Azure Tag specified above.
Log Analytics: This is the cost and % of the total of the Log Analytics Workspaces used for AVD diagnostics.
Note: Be sure that the Log Analytics Workspaces that receive AVD diagnostics data are tagged with the Reporting Azure Tag specified above.
Other: These are all the other Azure costs and % of total from resources other than VMs, disks, storage accounts, ANF, network transfer, and log analytics.
Note: These additional costs are shared by all users of the AVD deployment and include resources like PaaS services (for example, App Service, Key Vault, SQL DB, etc.) and SaaS licenses (for example, Nerdio Manager). Note that only resources that are tagged with the Reporting Azure Tag specified above are included in this total.
Session details:
Total # of Sessions: This is the total number of sessions established by all users.
Total Session Hours: This is the total number of unique sessions established by all users during the course of the reporting month.
Average Session Duration: The average session duration is calculated by dividing the total number of session hours by the number of monthly active users.
Average Sessions per User: This is the average number of unique sessions established by a user. This value is calculated by dividing the total number of monthly sessions by the number of monthly active users.
Total VM Running Hours: This is the total number of hours that VMs that had at least 1 AVD session were running.
Note: The % of Session Hours is the ratio of the Total VM Running Hours divided by the Total Session Hours. In a "perfectly efficient" personal desktop environment, this value would be 100%, which means that the VMs only ran while there were sessions on them. In pooled desktop environments, this number should be below 100%, since multiple users are logged in at the same time into the same VM. If the value is above 100%, then there is room for optimization because VMs are running more than the AVD sessions that they support.
In the Per-user costs and Per-host pool costs tabs:
Optionally, search by username or filter by host pool.
Select the Tables columns visibility configuration icon to configure the columns to display.
From the Select export action menu, select the desired download as a CSV or to Power BI. See User Cost Attribution Export Feature for details.
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