Azure Virtual Desktop ARM (aka Spring Update WVD V2) Support in Nerdio Manager

Azure Virtual Desktop ARM (aka Spring Update WVD V2) Support in Nerdio Manager

Microsoft released Azure Virtual Desktop ARM version as Generally Available on July 27, 2020.

A summary of the features and what this release means for Nerdio can be found on our blog.

Nerdio Manager functionality that extends the native AVD ARM capabilities can be found here.

A video detailing the process of using Nerdio to migrate AVD Classic to AVD ARM can be found here. In addition, see Migrate an AVD Deployment from Tenants to Workspaces for details.


Question: Can I use AVD ARM and AVD Classic at the same time?

Answer: Yes you can.  However, they are completely independent of each other.  If you deploy V1 host pools, you won't see them in the Azure portal.  If you deploy V2 host pools, you won't see them in Classic version (V1) PowerShell.  The two environments use different object models and store metadata (for example, host pools, tenants, workspaces, app groups, etc.) in completely different ways.


Question: Does Nerdio Manager support AVD ARM functionality?

Answer: Yes.  Starting with version 2.0.0, Nerdio Manager supports Fall 2019 Release (non-ARM), Spring 2020 Update (ARM), and hybrid models.  Watch this walk-through video below to learn more about selecting the AVD object model.


Question: Will there be a migration path from AVD Classic (V1) to the new AVD ARM version (V2) in Nerdio Manager?

Answer: Yes. Beginning in version 2.5.0, Nerdio Manager includes a host pool migration function that allows customers to migrate from AVD Classic (V1) to AVD ARM (V2). 


Question: Should I be deploying AVD Classic (V1), AVD ARM (V2), or waiting to deploy?

Answer: Azure Virtual Desktop ARM version (Spring Update, V2) is Generally Available and should be used for all deployments. AVD Classic (V1) will be end of life by March 1, 2023, and all customers currently operating under Classic must migrate to ARM before that date.

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